Cavity Wall Insulation Installers
Propoint-UK carry out cavity wall insulation instalations throughout the UK and we are known in the industry for providing a briliant service and installing high performance, injected blown bead insulation systems.
To find out more or get a competitive quote, contact us today:
Blown Bead Insulation
- more efficient than rock and glass wool insulation
- less drill holes required
- reduces heat loss
- annual savings of up to £275 on heating bills
- full grant funding available
- consistent density with constant thermal protection
- fire resistant and waterproof
- bonded finish ensures no damp or thermal bridging
- suitable for driving rain and bad weather areas
- fast and clean installation

What are bonded beads?
Propoint-UK use bonded bead insulation because it is the best performing insulation available. The bonded beads have thermal properties that satisfy the u-values outlined in building regulations. Unlike old meterials and methods of installation, the beads ensure a full fill of the cavity while stopping water passing through the cavity.
Watch the video, it shows how the water just passes down through the bonded beads. This easy free flow of water down the cavity ensures that no water breaches the cavity. This minimises the chances of dampness and mould issues associated with old insulation materials.
The Install
Pre Install Checks – before we carry out any work, we conduct a cavity survey and a report to confirm suitability for installation.
Install – Drilling – If our survey and checks confirm that your property is suitable for insulation, we then begin the installation process. The first step is to drill holes in the wall following the drill pattern outlined by building guidelines and our regulators.
Filling the Cavity – Once the holes are drilled, our specialist gun is inserted and the Energystore Graphite 27 Plus bead is blown into the cavity. As seen in the video above, the free flowing nature of the bead ensures all gaps are filled. The adhesive on the beads ensures that the bead later set and bond wishing the cavity.
Old Wall Insulation Issues
Since the 1930’s cavity walls were introduced to properties within the UK. The gap between external and internal walls would stop any wind driven waters penetrating the internal walls, preventing dampness.
Later in the 1980’s cavity wall insulation was introduced to fill the cavity. Although this does improve the properties insulation, in many cases poor quality insulation was installed, this compromised the wall’s resistance to rain penetration and caused many issues for property owners.
If your property has damp or you suspect that the cavity wall insulation has failed, we recommend getting a cavity wall insulation survey. Once the inspection is carried out you’ll know if you require a cavity wall insulation extraction service.